We Need Your Help!

Ruscilli completed the first phase of renovations for the new Community Shelter Board center in July 2014 and is now wrapping up construction on the new Van Buren Center that is set to open this Autumn.  This new center will help meet the increasing need for shelter in our community. It will feature the capacity to shelter up to 356 single adults and 85 families.

Please join Ruscilli Construction in collecting linens and toiletries to ensure the well-being of our most vulnerable neighbors – our brothers and sisters, moms and dads with kids. The most critically needed items are the simple things we all use each day to stay safe, clean and warm.

The time is NOW. Open your heart to people who ever imagined they would need your help. You can drop the collected items off at:

Van Buren Center – 595 Van Buren Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43223


Ruscilli Construction – 5000 Arlington Centre Blvd., Suite 300, Columbus, Ohio 43220

Questions? Contact Charity Eilerman at 614-715-2545 or ceilerman@csb.org

Click the graphic below to view the list of items needed.

Bold items are most critically needed.

CBS List of Items Needed



Senior Living Renovation Earns LEED Gold Rating!

Exciting News!!

Exciting News! We have finalized the location for our temporary office. Starting Monday, August 31, our new home will be at:

5000 Arlington Centre Blvd, Suite 300, Columbus, OH 43221

Ruscilli will occupy a portion of the 3rd floor of 5000 Arlington Centre, previously the CompuServe building, and now owned by Tree of Life Christian Ministries.

5000 Arlington Centre Blvd

Greenville Technologies Grand Opening!

Ruscilli is proud to celebrate the grand opening of Greenville Technologies, Inc. in Marysville, Ohio!

Greenville Technologies serves as the Moriroku Technology North America Headquarters and R&D Center, providing design and development for their four North American production facilities.

Greenville Technologies Grand Opening

Great Day for a Groundbreaking at Highland Park

Ruscilli associates celebrated the groundbreaking for the Highland Park Elementary School today.  The beautiful weather provided a great backdrop for the event, where Ruscilli’s Bob Darrow spoke on behalf of company and presented a shovel plaque to commemorate the occasion.  This new Elementary School is part of the South-Western City Schools district and will contain 29 classrooms, a gymnasium, stage, and other amenities for up to 600 students upon completion.

Ruscilli Ruscilli Ruscilli groundbreaking for SWCS Ruscilli

Welcome Wagon continues at Goodale Landing

Yesterday at Goodale Landing, Ruscilli associates and Westminster Thurber welcomed 25 residents for dinner and a tour of their floor.  The Westminster-Thurber catering department provided a wonderful dinner and other personnel led the tour of Level 5 of this new building.  Westminster-Thurber and Ruscilli have been welcoming residents in groups for viewing tours since April, and have several more planned as construction nears completion.  Ruscilli is so glad to meet these residents and be part of such a positive project!

Ruscilli Cares

Level 5 residents take a tour of Goodale Landing