Job Application

Your Personal Information

Your Name
Are you at least 18 years or older? (If no, you may be required to provide authorization to work)(Required)
Are you legally eligible to be employed in the United States? (Proof of identity and eligibility will be required upon employment)(Required)
Do you have driver license?(Required)
Upload your resume in .pdf, .doc or .docx format
Accepted file types: pdf, doc, docx, Max. file size: 25 MB.

Position Desired

Applying for
Applying for
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Are you currently employed?
How did you find this job listiing?
If referred by a current employee, list the name

Affirmative Action Form

Government agencies require reports on status of applicants. This data is for analysis and affirmative action only. Submission is voluntary. Failure to supply this information will not jeopardize or adversely affect any consideration you may receive for employment or later advancement in employment.
Veteren Status


I certify that the information I have provided in this application form, in my resume, and interview(s) is complete and accurate. I authorize all my former employers and personal references to answer inquiries made by Ruscilli Construction Co., Inc. and I herby release all such parties including their employees, contractors, and agents from liability as a result of doing so. I agree that if, in the exclusive opinion of Ruscilli or its agents, I have made any misrepresentation, or the results of the investigation are not satisfactory, any offer of employment may be withdrawn or, if already hired and working, I may be terminated without liability, except for payment at the rate agreed upon for services actually rendered. I understand this authorization to investigate my background is extended to and covers the entire period of my employment with Ruscilli. A copy of this agreement and certification can serve as an original.

I understand and agree that Ruscilli is an “at will” employer and that this means that my compensation can be changed by the company at any time or my employment can be terminated by me or Ruscilli at any time and for any reason, or for no reason at all, and that no one, except the President of Ruscilli, is authorized to enter into a contract or agreement of employment with me for any specific period of time or offer me any benefits different than those generally available to other similarly situated employees as stated in the company’s benefit plans and employee policy manual. Any such agreement must be in writing and signed by me and the President of Ruscilli. Any other such agreements, oral or written, by anyone else are considered null and void.
If I am hired, I understand I will be required to complete all forms and documentation the company requires for its new hire processing. My failure to do so may result in withdrawal of any employment offer or termination if I have already started to work. After employment, I understand that I will be required to complete all documentation the company requires upon demand including, but not limited to, tax withholding, personal information changes, benefit enrollment forms, performance appraisals, and warning notices and other corrective actions. My failure to do so may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination, as deemed appropriate by the company.

I understand I must adhere to the policies and procedures of Ruscilli while I am an employee of the company.